Why does the NTSP need your donation?
The NTSP is a registered UK charity and a registered UK company. This means that we have to operate on a not-for-profit basis, and any money that we do make is used solely for allowing the charity to fulfil its goals.
The primary purpose of the NTSP is to improve the care of patients with tracheostomies and laryngectomies through education. We achieve this by bringing together multidisciplinary healthcare professionals, patients, their families and carers. Our work cuts across traditional medical specialties, such as intensive care, medicine, otolaryngology, maxillo-facial surgery, anesthesiology, and respiratory medicine. Our projects are relevant to adults, children, hospitals, and communities.
Typically, we seek grant funding for specific projects, or we rely on volunteers, giving up their time for free in order to work with us. Usually, our project start by identifying an unmet need or a problem with care, either through our own investigations or experiences, or brought to our attention by patients, families, the healthcare profession, or the media. Examples of our funded projects can be seen in our work around improving tracheostomy care. These were grants awarded competitively from the health foundation to implement the improvement resources developed with the global tracheostomy collaborative into 20 UK NHS hospitals. This led onto further work with NHS England, trying to establish what improvements we could expect if we scaled this project nationally.
Any donations that we receive will be used directly on our projects. If you want to read more detail about how we are funded, the NTSP volunteers, and about our finances, please click here.