The National Tracheostomy Safety Project aims to keep patients, families and healthcare staff up to date with the latest information about tracheostomy care, improvements in the safety and quality of care, and innovations that help our patients and staff.
Click here to see our publications as part of the Improving Tracheostomy Care program.
Regular NTSP Podcasts are coming soon (when we get a bit more time!) but in the meantime, you can click the link below to hear NTSP Chair Brendan McGrath discussing the role of tracheostomy in the COVID pandemic with the Intensive Care Society Podcast team, led by Dr Julia Hadley and Dr Zudin Puthucheary from the Royal London Hospital, UK. Click the link below (opens in a new tab).
General Broadcast Podcast is aimed at paramedics and emergency responders. This episode discussed tracheostomy care with Prof Brendan McGrath from the NTSP, highlighting the critical steps that responders can take in safely identifying and managing problems in neck-breathing patients.
Link to Apple Podcast recording