Feasibility of a virtual reality course on adult tracheostomy safety skills
- 01/07/2024
Detailed evaluation of the Virtual Reality version of the long-running Face-to-Face NTSP half day safety course. As good as the real thing with some significant benefits for access to training, equity and the carbon footprint.
The road to Net Zero: incorporating virtual reality technology to reduce the carbon footprint of medical training
- 01/02/2024
The NHS ‘Net Zero’ report pledged that the NHS would reach ‘Net Zero’ in directly controlled emissions by 2040 and indirectly controlled emissions by 2045. We explored the role of Virtual Reality tracheostomy training in reducing the carbon footprint of medical education, showing that despite the 'up front' carbon cost of acquiring hardware, eliminating the need to travel and to stock and maintain a suitable face-to-face venue could have significant impact on the carbon footprint of training courses.
Speech-language pathology guidance for tracheostomy during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international multidisciplinary perspective
- 01/11/2021
With growing recognition of risks to frontline health care workers, speech-language pathologists have significant exposure to mucosal surfaces, secretions, and aerosols that may harbor the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This tutorial provides guidance on practices for safely performing patient evaluation and procedures, thereby reducing risk of infection.
Multidisciplinary management of laryngeal pathology identified in patients with COVID-19 following trans-laryngeal intubation and tracheostomy
- 28/07/2021
COVID-19 disease often requires invasive ventilatory support. Trans-laryngeal intubation of the trachea may cause laryngeal injury, possibly compounded by coronavirus infection. The incidence of laryngeal pathology was higher than a non-COVID-19 cohort with similar characteristics in this single centre study. We recommend multidisciplinary investigation and management of patients recovering from COVID-19 who required prolonged trans-laryngeal intubation and/or tracheostomy to optimise laryngeal recovery.
Laryngeal complications after tracheal intubation and tracheostomy
- 30/04/2021
Sarah Wallace and Brendan McGrath discuss the aetiology, prevalence and risk factors for dysphagia and dysphonia after prolonged translaryngeal intubation and tracheostomy. The paper outlines the physiological and psychological impacts of laryngeal dysfunction in the critically ill and summarises the effective multidisciplinary management of common laryngeal complications.
Multidisciplinary Safety Recommendations After Tracheostomy During COVID-19 Pandemic: State of the Art Review
- 12/10/2020
This review addresses gaps in the literature regarding posttracheostomy care, emphasizing safety of multidisciplinary teams, coordinating complex care needs, and identifying and managing late complications of prolonged intubation and tracheostomy.
Tracheostomy for COVID-19: business as usual?
- 01/09/2020
Drs Warrilow, Brenner and McGrath reflect on how healthcare professionals and systems have come to terms with the requirements for safe management in a pandemic.
Tracheostomy in the COVID-19 era: global and multidisciplinary guidance
- 15/06/2020
Global guidance from a truly international panel of multidisciplinary experts. Highly cited and very useful.
Global Tracheostomy Collaborative
- 01/06/2020
This headline paper from the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative (GTC) highlights the journey to improve patient safety and quality of care, emphasising knowledge, skills, teamwork, and patient-centred approaches. The GTC provides the foundation for future risk-adjusted benchmarking and a learning community that drives ongoing quality improvement efforts worldwide.
Improving Tracheostomy Care - 20 site UK implementation of the GTC
- 01/06/2020
This is the first large-scale guided improvement programme for tracheostomy patients. The NTSP significantly improved the quality and safety of care, contributing rich qualitative improvement data. Patient-centred outcomes were improved along with significant efficiency and cost savings across diverse UK hospitals.
Multidisciplinary guidance for safe tracheostomy care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: the NHS National Patient Safety Improvement Programme (NatPatSIP)
- 01/05/2020
UK Guidance for the Global COVID-19 pandemic
Laryngeal oedema associated with COVID‐19 complicating airway management
- 28/04/2020
The NTSP team highlight the apparent potential of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in causing airway oedema and laryngitis; particularly of relevance when managing the airways of critically ill patients suffering from COVID-19.
From smartphone to bedside: exploring the use of social media to disseminate recommendations from the National Tracheostomy Safety Project to front line medical staff
- 20/06/2019
National Tracheostomy Safety Project social media strategy, reaching 1.1 million people in 2018
Paediatric guidelines editorial
- 31/07/2018
MacKinnon & Volk discuss the role of paediatric emergency tracheostomy guidelines
Paediatric Tracheostomy Emergency Guidelines
- 31/07/2018
International collaboration led to the first paediatric emergency guidelines in 2018
Improving tracheostomy care: collaborative national consensus and prioritisation of quality improvements in the United Kingdom.
- 01/01/2018
McGrath et al. Medical Research Archives 2018
The role of Hi Fidelity simulation in designing emergency airway management algorithms: The experience of the UK National Tracheostomy Safety Project
- 30/11/2017
Implementing the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative into the NHS
- 01/09/2017
Evaluating the quality improvement impact of the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative in four diverse UK NHS hospitals
Tracheostomy Adult Emergency Guidelines
- 26/06/2012
The first multidisciplinary emergency guidelines for tracheostomy were published by the NTSP in 2012