Emergency Care (Adults)
Patients with laryngectomies cannot breathe through their upper airways (their nose and mouth) as these are no longer connected to their lungs. This group of patients (Larygectomees) will often return to a full and active lifestyle and can even vocalise effectively, despite having lost their voice box (larynx). This is explained in our vocalisation section.
If a laryngectomee becomes unwell, standard resuscitation procedures that involve delivering oxygen via face-masks will not be effective. We have designed specific laryngectomy algorithms and resources to help identify neck-breathing patients and to guide responders appropriately in case of emergencies.
You can find out what to do….
- Laryngectomy Algorithm
- Laryngectomy Bedhead
- E-learning resources
- Our manual – Emergency Laryngectomy Management
- Our video (above)